The deadly trio : Tulsi,neem and turmeric
素晴らしき三重奏 : トゥルシー、ニーム、ターメリック



The deadly trio: Tulsi, neem and turmeric

Tulsi: The Holy Power Plant

The 'tulsi' plant or Indian basil (Ocimum Sanctum)is an important symbol in the Hindu religious tradition. The name 'tulsi' connotes "the incomparable one". Tulsi is a venerated plant and Hindus worship it in the morning and evening. Tulsi grows wild in the tropics and warm regions. Dark or Shyama tulsi and light or Rama tulsi are the two main varieties of basil, the former possessing greater medicinal value. Of the many varieties, the Krishna or Shyama tulsi is commonly used for worship.

Tulsi As A Deity

The presence of tulsi plant symbolizes the religious bent of a Hindu family. A Hindu household is considered incomplete if it doesn't have a tulsi plant in the courtyard. Many families have the tulsi planted in a specially built structure, which has images of deities installed on all four sides, and an alcove for a small earthen oil lamp. Some households can even have up to a dozen tulsi plants on the verandah or in the garden forming a "tulsi-van" or "tulsivrindavan" - a miniature basil forest.

Places that tend to inspire concentration and places ideal for worship, according to the Gandharv Tantra, include "grounds overgrown with tulsi plants". The Tulsi Manas Mandir at Varanasi is one such famous temple, where tulsi is worshipped along with other Hindu gods and goddesses. Vaishnavites or believers of Lord Vishnu worship the tulsi leaf because it's the one that pleases Lord Vishnu the most. They also wear beaded necklaces made of tulsi stems. The manufacture of these tulsi necklaces is a cottage industry in pilgrimages and temple towns.

Tulsi As An Elixir

Apart from its religious significance it is of great medicinal significance, and is a prime herb in Ayurvedic treatment. Marked by its strong aroma and a stringent taste, tusli is a kind of "the elixir of life" as it promotes longevity. The plant's extracts can be used to prevent and cure many illnesses and common ailments like common cold, headaches, stomach disorders, inflammation, heart disease, various forms of poisoning and malaria. Essential oil extracted from karpoora tulsi is mostly used for medicinal purposes though of late it is used in the manufacture of herbal toiletry.

According to Jeevan Kulkarni, author of Historical Truths & Untruths Exposed, when Hindu women worship tulsi, they in effect pray for "less and less carbonic acid and more and more oxygen - a perfect object lesson in sanitation, art and religion". The tulsi plant is even known to purify or de- pollute the atmosphere and also works as a repellent to mosquitoes, flies and other harmful insects. Tulsi used to be a universal remedy in cases of malarial fever.

Prof Shrinivas Tilak, who teaches Religion at Concordia University, Montreal has made this historical citation: In a letter written to The Times, London, dated May 2, 1903 Dr George Birdwood, Professor of Anatomy, Grant Medical College, Bombay said, "When the Victoria Gardens were established in Bombay, the men employed on those works were pestered by mosquitoes. At the recommendation of the Hindu managers, the whole boundary of the gardens was planted with holy basil, on which the plague of mosquitos was at once abated, and fever altogether disappeared from among the resident gardners."

Tulsi In Legends

Quite a few myths and legends found in the Puranas or ancient scriptures point to the origin of importance of tulsi in religious rituals. Although tulsi is regarded as feminine, in no folklore is she described as the consort the Lord. Yet a garland solely made of tulsi leaves is the first offering to the Lord as part of the daily ritual. The plant is accorded the sixth place among the eight objects of worship in the ritual of the consecration of the Kalasha, the container of holy water.

According to one legend, Tulsi was the incarnation of a princess who fell in love with Lord Krishna, and so had a curse laid on her by his consort Radha. Tulsi is also mentioned in the stories of Meera and of Radha immortalised in Jayadev's Gita Govinda. The story of Lord Krishna has it that when Krishna was weighed in gold, not even all the ornaments of Satyabhama could outweigh him. But a single tulsi leaf placed by Rukmani on the pan tilted the scale.

In the Hindu mythology, tulsi is very dear to Lord Vishnu. Tulsi is ceremonially married to Lord Vishnu annually on the 11th bright day of the month of Karttika in the lunar calendar. This festival continues for five days and concludes on the full moon day, which falls in mid October. This ritual, called the 'Tulsi Vivaha' inaugurates the annual marriage season in India.

Tulsi or basil is a herbal remedy for a lot of common ailments. Here's a list of some medicinal uses of tulsi, from Healthlibrary:

  1. The juice of tulsi leaves can be used to bring down fever. Extract of tulsi leaves in fresh water should be given every 2 to 3 hours. In between one can keep giving sips of cold water. In children, it is every effective in bringing down the temperature.
  2. Tulsi is an important constituent of many Ayurvedic cough syrups and expectorants. It helps to mobilise mucus in bronchitis and asthma. Chewing tulsi leaves relieves cold and flu.
  3. For earache a few drops of tulsi extract, if instilled, relieves the symptoms promptly.
  4. The juice of fresh leaves, flower tops and slender roots is a very god antidote for snake and scorpion bite.
  5. Its oil is rich in vitamin C, carotene, calcium and phosphorus. Besides, it has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.
  6. Ayurvedic tulsi preparations have significantly reduced the symptoms of viral hepatitis.
  7. In diabetics it helps in lowering the blood sugar level.
  8. Its anti-spasmodic property can be utilised to relieve abdominal colics. The extracts are also helpful in digestive disorders.
  9. Tulsi leaves have properties similar to the currently available anti-TB drugs like Streptomycin and Isoniazide.
  10. Oil of tulsi has been used as a potent anti-malarial drug.
  11. It also has mosquito repellent properties.
  12. It raises the human body immunity by increasing the antibody production.
  13. Experimental studies on animals have shown anti-stress activity with tulsi extract. <>/li>
  14. Tulsi has anti-fertility effect by reducing the estrogen hormone levels in females and decreasing the sperm count in men.
  15. It is also used to treat ringworm of the skin.


Extracts of tulsi, neem and turmeric can kill mosquito larvae, according to researchers, who say these can also be used as repellents against adult mosquitoes.

Leaf extracts of the plants `leucas aspera' and `ocimum sanctum' or tulsi have been found to be highly toxic to mosquito larvae and have a deterrent effect against the adult mosquito anopheles stephensi which spreads malaria.The tulsi extracts are also easy to handle, inexpensive and safe natural products for mosquito control, researchers from the Bharathiar University in Coimbatore say.

Writing in the journal Current Science, K Murugan and D Jeyabalan report that extracts of tulsi, wheat (triticum aestivum) and neem (azadirachta indica) can be used to disinfect water containing larvae. The scientists screened the effects of extracts of leucas aspera, ocimum sanctum, azadirachta indica, allium sativum, and curcuma longa (turmeric) on various stages of mosquito growth larvae, pupa and adults at concentrations varying from 1.0 to4.0 per cent. The anopheles stephensi breeds in wells, overhead or ground-level water tanks, cisterns, coolers, roof gutters and artificial containers.

It is found to be responsible for almost half of the annual malaria cases and transmits the disease in the plains of rural and urban India.The extracts of tulsi, wheat and neem can also be used for disinfecting water, it says, adding tulsi leaf extracts can be used in water tanks. to suppress anopheles stephensi.

The team found that leaf extracts of leucas aspera, tulsi and neem, as well as the pulp of allium sativum and rhizome of turmeric, killed mosquito larvae. Of these, leaf extracts of leucas and ocimum were the most effective.At four per cent concentration, leucas extract killed 90 per cent of the larvae, while tulsi or ocimum killed 84 per cent of the larvae.

The extracts also inhibited egg-laying by female mosquitoes, leading to fewer larvae. Extracts of all five plants are potential repellents against anopheles stephensi, the report in CurrentScience say

Medicinal Value of Tulsi

Since the ages elders have always worshipped the Tulsi plant. Special containers are made to keep this holy plant. On a certain day after Diwali people perform Tulsi Pooja. According to Ayurveda, plants have been found to have several medicinal properties. This leaves, seeds and roots of the Tulsi plants are used a variety of disease.

The juice of Tulsi leaves can be used to bring down fever. Extract of tulsi leaves in fresh water should be given every 2 to 3 hours. In between one can keep giving sips of cold water. In children, it is every effective in bringing down the temperature.

  • It is an important constituent of many Ayurvedic cough syrups and expectorants. It helps to mobilise mucus in bronchitis and asthma.
  • Chewing tulsi leaves relieves cold and flu.
  • For earache a few drops of tulsi extract, if instilled, relieves the symptoms promptly. The extracts are also helpful in digestive disorders.
  • The juice of fresh leaves, flower tops and slender roots is a very god antidote for snake and scorpion bite.
  • Its oil is rich in vitamin C, carotene, calcium and phosphorus. Besides, it has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Ayurvedic tulsi preparations have significantly reduced the symptoms of viral hepatitis.
  • In diabetics it helps in lowering the blood sugar level.
  • Its anti-spasmodic property can be utilised to relieve abdominal colics.
  • In olden days tulsi leaves were used to treat tuberculosis (TB). It has an action similar to the currently available anti-TB drugs like Streptomycin and Isoniazide. However, tulsi leaves alone are not adequate but should be used as supplement to these drugs.
  • Oil of tulsi has been used as a potent anti-malarial drug. It also has mosquito repellent properties.
  • It raises the human body immunity by increasing the antibody production. < tulsi with activity anti-stress shown have animals on studies>
  • Tulsi has anti-fertility effect by reducing the estrogen hormone levels in females and decreasing the sperm count in men.
  • It is also used to treat ringworm of the skin.


The tulsi plant has rightly been given a sacred position in our mythology. It is amazing that inspite of tulsi having such a big list of benefits, not many of us were aware of it. A lot of people have been enjoying their tea with the addition of tulsi leaves while suffering from cold. Similarly tulsi leaves can be put to many more uses.

Constipation Alternating with Diarrhoea

If you are over the age of 40-50 and you get constipation alternating with diarrhoea, you must get yourself investigated properly rather than take treatment on your own. There may be some serious problem like a cancer of the large intestine.

Tulsi grows wild in all warm regions in general but do not grow well in cold regions. Dark Tulsi or "shyama" and light Tulsi or "Rama" are the two main groups of varieties, but the darker varieties are said to possess greater medicinal value.


和  訳







Gandharv Tantra によれば、集中を促し、礼拝に最適であるとされる場所には「トゥルシがよく育つ場所」も含まれます。ベレナシのTursi Manas Mandirは有名な寺の一つですが、そこでは、トゥルシは他のヒンズー教の神々と共に崇拝されています。ヴィシュナ王の信奉者Vaishnavitesは、トゥルシの葉を崇めます。なぜなら、トゥルシだけが唯一クリシュナを喜ばせたものだからです。彼らはまた、トゥルシの茎で作ったビーズのネックレスを身につけています。これらのネックレスの製造は、巡礼の地や寺町では家内工業となっています。



Historical Truths & Untruths Exposed」の著者であるKeevan Kulkami氏によれば、ヒンズー教の女性は、トゥルシを拝むとき、「炭酸がどんどんなくなり、酸素がどんどん増えますように」、と唱えるそうです。それは、衛生、芸術、宗教における完全な実地教育の日課です。トゥルシはまた、空気を浄化し大気汚染を浄化することでも知られています。蚊・ハエ・その他の害虫の殺虫剤としても使われ、マラリア熱万能薬としても使われるのです。

モントリオールのコンコーディア大学で宗教を教える、Shrinivas Tilak教授は、次のような歴史の引用を行いました。190352日号のロンドン・タイムズ紙への手紙の中で、ボンベイのグラントメディカルカレッジ解剖学教授ジョージ・バードウッド博士は、「ボンベイに、ビクトリアガーデンが建てられたとき、その仕事に従事するために雇われた男たちが、蚊に悩まされた。ヒンズー教徒のマネージャーの薦めで、庭の境界全てに聖なるバジルを植えた。するとそれに伴って、蚊に対する悩みは緩和され、同時に熱病も一緒にきえてしまった。」と言いました。



一つの伝説によれば、トゥルシはクリシュナ王と恋に堕ちた姫の生まれ変わりで、クリシュナ王の妃であったRadhaの呪いによって、現在のトゥルシの姿に変えられた、とされています。また、Jayadev’s Gita Govindaで不朽の名作とされた「Meera and of Radha」の物語の中でも、トゥルシについて言及されています。クリシュナ王の物語では、クリシュナ王が金でその体重を量られ、その重さは、Satyabhamaの全ての装飾品を持ってしてもしのぐことができなかったのに、Rukmaniによって置かれたたった一本のトゥルシの枝が、その天秤を動かします。ヒンズー教の神話では、トゥルシはヴィシュヌ王にとってもまた大切なものです。トゥルシは太陰暦のカルティカの月の11番目の明るい日に毎年ヴィシュヌ王と結婚する儀式を行います。トゥルシ祭りが満月の日まで5日間続きます。それは、10月の半ばにあたります。この儀式は、「Tulsi Vivaha」とばれており、年間のなかでインドの結婚シーズンに当たる時期におこなわれます。


@トゥルシの汁は解熱剤として使用されます。新鮮な水にトゥルシの汁を混ぜたものは2       〜3時間ごとに服用。中間に冷たい水を飲用しても可。小児には効果的な解熱作用があります。
















葉からの抽出液は、’leucas aspera’ や ‘ocimum sanctum’、トゥルシは蚊の幼虫にたいして大いに毒性を持ち、マラリアを媒介する蚊、アノフェレス・ステフェンシを抑制します。また、コインバトールのBharathiar大学の研究者は、トゥルシの抽出液は虫除けとして取り扱いが簡単であり、安価で自然な製品であると語っています。

カレント・サイエンス誌のK Murugan and D Jeyabalan氏のレポートには、トゥルシ、麦、ニームの抽出液は蚊の幼虫のいる水の消毒に使える、と書いてあります。科学者は、leucas aspera, ocimum sanctum, azadirachata indica, allium sativun, curcuma longa(ターメリック)の抽出物の効果を、蚊の幼虫、さなぎ、成虫、といった成長過程における様々な段階において、1%から4%濃度で調査しました。井戸、水槽の表面や底、貯水池、冷却機、雨樋、人工的に作った容器の中でマラリアを引き起こす蚊、アノフェレス・ステフェンシを繁殖しました。


その研究チームは、leucas aspera、トゥルシ、ニームの抽出液やガーリック、ターメリックの髄質が蚊の幼虫の駆除に役立つことを発見しました。4%濃度ではleucasの抽出液では90%の幼虫の駆除に成功し、トゥルシやocimumでは84%の駆除に成功しました。



大昔前から、年配者たちは、トゥルシを崇めてきました。この聖なる植物のために特別な入れ物が用意されています。Diwaliの人々がTulsi Poojaを催した後の特別な日に。アーユルベーダによれば、医薬的効果が認められます。トゥルシの葉・種・根は様々な病気の治療に使用されます。
















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